What is spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction is a relationship between two people, the spiritual director and you, that is grounded in Christ and animated by the Holy Spirit in order to guide you on your spiritual path and help you to grow closer to God.
Your spiritual director may be a Legionary of Christ priest, an RC Lay Consecrated Woman or a lay person who has completed a two-year spiritual direction course from Divine Mercy University.
What does a spiritual direction session look like?
In a spiritual direction session you may explore prayer life, family dynamics, discernment or apostolates but it’s certainly not limited to these things. Your spiritual director may suggest certain books, prayers or journaling exercises. Remember that no matter what your session looks like the purpose is always to draw closer to God.
Sessions are typically once a month, either in-person or online via the platform you and your spiritual director choose.
May I give a donation to my spiritual director?
Of course! Our spiritual directors do not charge for sessions but you may certainly offer a donation which is greatly appreciated by many spiritual directors. In order to donate simply ask your spiritual director their preferred method.
How do I get started with an RC spiritual director?
Sign up for our monthly newsletter where we send out monthly spiritual direction opportunites: