Regnum Christi is a world-wide movement, animated by the Holy Spirit, to reveal Christ's love to others and spread His Kingdom. Regnum Christi encompasses the Legionary of Christ priestly order, Consecrated Men and Women of Regnum Christi as well as lay members. Regnum Christi has a Christ-Centered spirituality that is lived together in communion with all members in union with the whole Church, and through a mission to build the kingdom of Christ. The whole Regnum Christi movement is made up of 30,000 members throughout 38 countries world-wide.
Our mission can be summed up in three simple words: Love, Build, Serve. Here in Nashville our deepest desire is to meet the needs of our community. We provide opportunities for spiritual direction and adoration as well as host monthly mini retreats we call Mornings of Reflection and semiannual silent retreats for both men and women.
At the heart of our RC community is the Encounter with Christ, our weekly small group meetings. We have several groups that meet at different times and locations throughout Nashville and we would love for you to join us sometime! Please email us at if you're interested in joining an Encounter with Christ or if you have any questions about our events.